Auteur/autrice : novy

Where insanity meets reality

What the (H)ELLE!

What the (H)ELLE! is a 60min circus show regrouping 6 artists and various disciplins from the ground to the air. What the (H)ELLE! is a show based on archetypes of characters from the traditions of hell, such as Lucifer, Lillith, the seven deadly sins. It does not address the subject in a religious or spiritual…
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Impressum Yvon FragnièreBerliner Strasse 56 13189 Berlin, Germany Datenschutzinformation nach DSGVO Für die auf dieser Website gegebenen Informationen kann keine Gewähr für Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit gegeben werden. Dies gilt insbesondere für die aufgeführten Links, für deren Inhalte wir keine Verantwortung übernehmen können. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich. Die hier…
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Here you will find pictures from divers performances

H2H / Partner Acrobatic

Here you will find multiples pictures from my differents Partner Acrobatic acts.


Here you will find multiples pictures from my differents juggling acts and some shooting photos

Duo No Bones on The Floor

The Duo No Bones on the Floor is a collaboration between Aaron Maria Michail and Yvon Fragnière.Mainly working as a Partner acrobatic duo, they also do what they call Acro-Juggling. They are currently not working together since both took a different path but a futur collaboration is not excluded.